Tuesday, March 11, 2008


hello. I originally typed a post prior to this. But Blogger chose to screw itself up.

Thank you so much Ann for spending so much time on this blog despite Blogger being so nasty with its configuration and all. Am I upset with Blogger? You ask me, AM I UPSET??

Anyways, think I'm too tired to type another lengthy post, although the previous one wasn't exactly what I would call lengthy.

Adora, next time alwaysalwaysalways remember to ctrl-A ctrl-C. Rememberrememberremember... *psychos self*

How's the March hols guys? (Simi si Holiday? boleh makan tat?) You priviledged lot, still having the chance to study. :(( I really miss studying. *siams all the bashing*

Anyways, I have news. I have tendered my resignation today(tues), although I was on leave (thank God for friends who don't take leave). And my last day at work will be next Mon 17th March. Xiexie, xiexie. Thank you thank you. I just so feel all your congratulations towards me right now. NO MORE NASTY TAXPAYERS!!!! Muahahahhahah! (You have no idea, trust me.)

In the meantime, I'm applying for U. If you know my grades, you'd keep me in prayer that God would lead me to the right uni and course He intends, 'cause right now, I don't think I can make it into the three local Us, but if God wills, there are other less prestigious options.

Jeremiah 29:11 - The Lord's thought's towards us are always of peace and not of evil, to give us a future and a hope.

I cling on to God's word in Romans 8:28 - all things will surely work out for good to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).

It would be a lie to say that I am unaffected by what has happened, but may I be like Job who said yet will I praise Him. That through it all, I may gain treasures in darkness, to know and be known by Him.

Yup. I really do hope that this blog will begin to be just one of the ways in which we as a family of God begin to share and understand the situations we face in our daily lives be it joy or hardships. Erhem, no excuses for WORD QUOTAS *cough*, because your face is hidden behind the computer screen, save for those who have WEBCAMS which are CONNECTED.

Yay! Everywhere we go people want to know who we are, where we come from. So we tell them, we are from genFOUR5. Passionate and in love with God!

Adora. =)))

1 comment:

graceANN said...


yup yup, the Lord will guide your steps. keep hanging on to His promises for you.